• hrpehragroup@gmail.com
  • 1800-202-6263
  • hrpehragroup@gmail.com
  • 1800-202-6263



Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises In accordance with the provision of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) are classified in two Classes :

1. Manufacturing Enterprises-he enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production of goods pertaining to any industry specified in the first schedule to the industries (Development and regulation) Act, 1951) or employing plant and machinery in the process of value addition to the final product having a distinct name or character or use. The Manufacturing Enterprise are defined in terms of investment in Plant & Machinery.

2. Service Enterprises:-The enterprises engaged in providing or rendering of services and are defined in terms of investment in equipment..

The MSMEs constitute over 90% of total enterprises in most of the economies and are credited with generating the highest rates of employment growth and account for a major share of industrial production and exports. The MSMEs play a vital role in the overall growth of industrial economy of the country.

Entrepreneurship promotion and development Programmes are being organized regularly to nurture the talent of youth by enlightening them on various aspects of industrial/business activity required for setting up MSEs. These Programmes are conducted for youth and other people interested to set up their own industrial/self-employment venture. Such activities are also organized in ITIs, Polytechnics and other technical institutions/business schools, where skill/talent is available to motivate them towards self-employment.



A Bal Gyan Kendra provides the TTP (Tuition Training Platform), a running program under PEHRAthat provides education through complete planning and guidance. The tuition is provided by a Primary Tuition Teacher (PTT) who is trained and certified by PEHRA, to teach the students for 2 hours daily. He works to understand the students developmental and emotional needs, and then design a teaching methodology that best supports their aspirations.

PEHRA also provides the attending students with books and uniforms, as and when required, through Bal GyanKendras. All facilities mentioned here are provided for a minimal monthly charge of Rs. 45 per month for each student.

Through the Bal GyanKendras, PEHRA hopes to achieve its vision to provide a particular level of education to students, particularly those who show interest in learning, but may not have the necessary opportunities.

Under the scheme of a Bal Gyan Kendra, by PEHRA, students studying in standards I to VII are covered. A Bal Gyan Kendra is established in every village, within 3-5 kms. The mission of this scheme is to provide tuition to school going children, who do not have support at home, usually because the parents are not equipped to teach.

It aims to provide educational support to children who may not be equipped with adequate support systems needed to complete school. Children from cities and affluent households are often assisted by their parents who are themselves educated, or attend tuitions that are expensive.



Startup business loan basically caters to the main funding of a business which you wish to start. The Startup can be of anything and a loan for this will only boost your business initially giving the necessary machinery and equipment to your start up.

There are certain requirements that one must fulfill in order to apply for a start-up business loan :

Minimum age of the applicant should be above 18 years

Valid and authentic documents to be submitted.

The minimum and maximum loan amount depends on the financial lender you choose and the requirement that you have. The maximum loan amount can be uptoRs. 50,000 and the maximum loan amount can be decided as per the terms and conditions of the financial lender.



A consultancy is a company that gives expert advice on a particular subject. Consultancy is expert advice on a particular subject which a person or group is paid to provide to a company or organization. He is acting on a consultancy basis. The project provides both consultancy and training.

Project consultant is a general position that encompasses a large scope of work across various industries. Project consultants offer their expertise on a project to their employer or clients to help them achieve their business goals. These projects can be operational, strategic, or technical in nature.

Consultants also provide a significant amount of value for an organization. They can help to develop strategies for growth or manage projects. ... A consultant may have a higher level of business expertise than the average employee and can provide unique solutions for businesses.

Project Loan Consultants services are provided as per the needs of our patrons within promising time-frame. Our offered project loan consultancy services are highly accepted for on time implementation and steadiness.



Career guidance can be defined as a comprehensive, developmental program designed to assist individuals in making and implementing informed educational and occupational choices. In simple words, it is a journey on which people develop to make mature and informed decisions.

Career counseling is a type of advice-giving and support provided by career counselors to their clients, to help the clients manage their journey through life, learning and work changes (career). This includes career exploration, making career choices, managing career changes, lifelong career development and dealing with other career-related issues

Careers consultants provide guidance to people making choices about their career. They could help a client who wants to further their career, a client who wants to change career direction, or a client who isn't quite sure what they want.

Career counselling is a need as most students pick commonly known domains as their career option. Career counselling is an effort for students' career guidance right from their school about the available career options as per their interest and stream of academics.

Career education and guidance play an important role in curriculum that supports: students' interests, strengths and aspirations students' achievements students at risk of poor outcomes students making informed decisions about their subject choices and pathways.



The importing and exporting process can be a maze to those unfamiliar with the documentation, shipping procedures and various roles involved in the movement of goods from one country to another. Even for the seasoned importer/exporter, doing it all alone can be a hassle. That's why Global Shipping provides consulting services for our clients. Our import/export consultants have worked in every aspect of the business, and not only can we help advise importers and exporters, but we also provide customs brokerage and documentation services. A little advice can go a long way to help you get your international business up and running with fewer bumps in the road.

There are several roles involved in the export/import process, and these roles can be filled by multiple agents, or just a few players that can do it all. In addition to the importer and exporter, these roles include shipping agents, freight forwarders, customs brokers, banks, warehousing, government agencies and distribution or delivery services. Our consultants provide all the details to the person who wants to start business.